
What is Hundred Years' War?

Hello, everyone. I like world history very much. If you read my writing and become interested in it, I’ll feel very happy.

What is Hundred Years’ War? It is a war between England and France in the late Middle Ages.

There are many causes why it started. Many people think that the succession-to-the-throne problem of France is the main cause. I’ll write about the causes in next blog in detail.

It became dramatic development. At first, the British army was superior to the French army. Then the Black Death was prevalent and the peasants rose in revolt frequently.
Moreover France became the most battlefields, so wild confusion happened all over the country. Finally, however, France won a victory.

After the war, the feudal lord and knight class declined, farmers were released, and the bourgeoisie developed. These events urged to centralization by a king. It was waged from 1337 to 1453. (There are various views when it started or when it ended. This is the most popular term.) Over hundred years, England and France fought. They sometimes made agreement, but when few years passed they fought again. People in those days did not call the war such a name. Posterity thought this period had big meanings and a series of separate wars were gathered together.

The above is a rough explanation of Hundred Years’ War. Do you understand what it is?
I’ll tell you many things about it in more detail. Thank you for reading.


In Japan it is often said the two countries plunged into war. It is not correct expression. In those days there was not a clear line between England and France. This is the war between families, not countries.

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