
Charles VII

Charles VII

Because of Treaty of Troyes, Prince Charles could not become a French king at first. The English king Henry VI, who was still a baby, became a French king in 1422. Charles resisted him and became a French king, too. But France had grown very weak. The peerage separated into two groups, Bourguignons (ブルゴーニュ派) and Armagnacs (アルマニャック派), during the reign of King Charles VI, who is the father of Charles VII. Armagnacs supported Charles VII, but Bourguignons supported England. England surrounded Orléans (オルレアン) in 1429, which is the final foothold of Charles VII. He was in a real pinch at the moment.

It was then that Joan of Arc appeared on the stage. She encouraged Charles VII and raised the siege of Orléans. Thanks to her, Charles VII was able to became an official French king in Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims (ノートルダム大聖堂) at Reims (ランス). After Joan was killed, he and Bourguignons were reconciled. In 1453, he recaptured almost all areas of France except for the city Calais (カレー市). At this time, the Hundred Years’ War ended.

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