
Famous battles

Famous battles

Hundred Years’ War is a series of separate wars. It has many small battles. There are too many battles to introduce all. I chose some battles which I thought were famous.

Battle of Crecy (1346)
In this battle, the England army (about 12,000 people) led by Edward III defeated the France army (about 30,000~40,000 people) led by Philip VI. The England army was more than twice smaller than the French army. However, English soldiers especially who had long bows played an active part. They surpassed French soldiers who had crossbows. They were trained and could handle long bows very well. I’ll tell you the arms another time. By the way, some historians say that this battle is the beginning of the end of chivality. The battlefield serves as a sightseeing spot now.

Battle of Poitiers (1356)
Edward the Black, who is one of the sons of Edward III, was the leading part of this battle. Although the English army was clearly inferior to the French army, the French army made the same mistake as a battle of Crecy and was defeated completely again. Jean II became a prisoner of war of England and was taken to London. In this battle, the English long bow soldiers made a great contribution to the victory, too. They continued playing an important part in this war later.

Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc)
In Japan, she is very popular. I could not find famous battles of the Hundred Years’ War besides Battle of Crecy or Battle of Poitiers, but could find some battles which she entered. Her most famous battle was fought in Orleans. The English army almost captured the city then. It is said that when she arrived there French soldiers recovered their spirits and defeated the English army. This battle is very mysterious. Why the French army defeated the English army? The answer is still unclear. What Joan did? I also could not answer the question, but imagine what happened. I’ll tell you about her next.

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