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After the Hundred Years' War
The extension of the royal authority
In this war the peerage in both countries was damaged badly. Until then they were the leading role of the feudal society (封建社会). Although there were some kings, their authority was very weak because the peerage was relatives of kings and had as much power as kings. When we hear about the word peerage we often imagine a strong king and the weak peerage as his followers. However, such a sight was seen during the absolute monarchy (絶対君主制) and in this era the absolute monarchy did not appear yet. The war robbed the peerage of their power, and it led to preparations for the absolute monarchy.
The War of Roses
The war’s name is elegant, but the war was actually a desperate fight. The name came from coats of arms (紋章) of Lancaster and York. It was a struggle for power between the two dynasties in England. As a result, both dynasties ruined themselves and Tudor dynasty (テューダー朝) succeeded to the throne. The peerage lost their power and absolute monarchy also started in England. England finished the era of absolute monarchy and developed.
The colonial wars between France and England
About two hundred years later, the two countries fought again. Then their battle fields moved to the world. They went into the colonial policy and struggled for supremacy over the world. Some people called these battles the Second Hundred Years’ War. It is similar to the War because it continued about hundred years again. This time England won the war and British Empire (大英帝国) prospered.
Famous people in England
Edward III
He is the king from Plantagenet Dynasty(プランタジネット朝). He suppressed power of the peerage (貴族) and attacked Scotland. He promoted wool trade, so he is called “the royal wool merchant”.
I have told him several times, so I may tell the same stories. When the French king Charles VI (シャルル6世) died, he demanded the French throne because he is the nephew (甥) of Charles. England defeated French in the Battle of Sluys (スロイスの海戦), the Battle of Crécy (クレシーの戦い), and the Battle of Poitiers (ポワティエの戦い). He concluded the treaty which was favorable to England.
In this way, he used his ability to the full at first. But in his later years, he met with a lot of misfortunes. French regained its strength and the Black Death spread. He lost his wife and oldest son and his fourth son betrayed him.
Edward, the Black Prince
He is the oldest son of Edward III. It is said that he always wore in black armor. French people feared him and denounced him as a devil. He died before he was crowned. Because of these episodes, he is called the Black Prince.
In 1356, he won the Battle of Poitiers. It is said that he was very polite to the prisoner Jean II (ジャン2世) then. He is very popular as a paragon of chivalry (騎士道の鑑). However, he was cruel to the people. For example, he brought about a massacre () in Limoges(リモージュ).
Richard II
He is the last king from Plantagenet. He went on an expedition (遠征) to Ireland. He stopped fighting with France. Henry Bolingbroke (ヘンリー・ボリングブルック) made him abdicate the throne (譲位する) and he met an unnatural death.
Henry IV
He is the first king from Lancaster Dynasty (ランカスター朝). He is the son of John of Gaunt (), who is the fourth son of Edward III and disobeyed Edward. He won his cousin Richard II and became the king, but he was suffering from revolts by peerage.
Henry V
He resumed the war and won the great victory in the battle of Agincourt (アジャンクールの戦い). He subjugated the Western Schism or Papal Schism (教会大分裂). He concluded the Treaty of Troys and troubled Charles VII.
Henry VI
He is the son of Henry V and the last king from Lancaster Dynasty. He defeated the Hundred Years’ War and was dragged into the War of the Roses (ばら戦争). His life is very tragic.
I will introduce some cities which I think are important to Hundred Years’ War.
London (ロンドン)
Probably everyone knows this city. This city is the capital of England.
On Christmas Day in 1066, when William the Conqueror (征服王ウィリアム) was crowned king of England, the medieval history of the city began. During the Hundred Years’ war, the Wat Tyler's Peasant's Revolt (ワット・タイラーの乱) broke out. In the Middle Ages, London was a labyrinth which consisted of many streets and lanes. Many of the streets were named. Most houses were built of wood, so people always had to aware the fires. There are so many people and public health was not so good. That was one of the reasons the Black Death raged for many years.
source of picture: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/08/london_from_above_at_night.html
Paris (パリ)
Everybody knows this city, too. This is the capital of France.
In 506, Clovis Premier (クローヴィス一世), who was the first king from Merovingian dynasty (メロヴィング朝), decided the city as a capital. After Carolingiens (カロリング朝), Capétiens dynasty (カペー朝) and so on ruled it, Valois (ヴァロワ朝) was going to succeed French king and the Hundred Years’ War started. During the war plagues, political strife, and revolts raged and it fell into great confusion. In 1420, the city fell into English hands. Nine years after, Joan tried to recapture it, but she was not able to do so. In1437, Charles VII was successful and Paris became French city again.
source of picture: http://nmyumyukabegami.blog49.fc2.com/blog-entry-427.html
Calais (カレー)
This city was made terrible sport of by Fortune. In 1347, it is surrounded by the English army. Then in order to save the citizens Eustache de Saint Pierre (ウスタシュ・ド・サン・ピエール) and five people represented the city and presented themselves in front of Edward III (エドワード三世). King Edward was going to execute them, but his wife Philippa of Hainault (フィリッパ・オブ・エノー) persuaded him, so they were saved.
François-Auguste-René Rodin (フランソワ=オーギュスト=ルネ・ロダン), who is called “the father of modern carving”, used this story and made “Les Bourgeois de Calais (カレーの市民)”. The work expresses tension and emotions of the six people ingeniously.
Poitiers (ポワティエ)
This city is famous for two battles. One is the battle in 1356 and I have already told it. The other is the battle in 732. Regnum Francorum (フランク王国) and Umayyad (ウマイヤ朝) fought. Europeans think it is very important battle because if Regnum Francorum was defeated it might be Muslim that ruled Europe.
source of picture: Wikipedia
Troyes (トロワ)
The Treaty of Troys was concluded. It sometimes became a stage of tragic events: For example slaughter of Jewish people or the occupation by Nazi Germany. It is famous for knit.
source of picture: Wikipedia
Orléans (オルレアン)
Joan saved the city. Loire (ロワール川) flows through the city.
source of picture: http://yonipo.blog13.fc2.com/blog-entry-335.html
Reims (ランス)
Charles VII did his coronation. The city has Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims (ノートルダム大聖堂), which is Catholic great church.
source of picture: http://yuyu6.blog12.fc2.com/blog-entry-201.html
Compiègne (コンピエーニュ)
Joan was caught here. Treaties were concluded during World War I and II.
The Truth and Lie about Joan of Arc and Charles VII
Did Joan exist really?
Yes, yes, she did. Before she was executed, she faced trial because England thought she was a witch (魔女) and a heretic (異端者). The trial records in those days are still left.
By the way, today Joan is famous and popular all around the world. However, in fact people had forgotten her for a long time before Napoléon (ナポレオン) introduced her as a heroine of France. He wanted to raise nationalism, and thought that she was effective. As a result, she became very popular among French people, and soon became popular around the world.
Who was Joan?
Some people say that Joan was not a countrywoman but a person of high rank. They insist if Joan had been just a farm, Charles would not have met her. Other people say Charles’ mother, Isabeau de Bavière (イザボー・ド・バヴィエール) supported her because it was Isabeau that was the true mother of Joan and Joan was a half-sister of Charles. Many people are doubtful about these theories. They say that Charles felt like clutching even at straws and her passion moved him. But why Charles met just a country girl and decided to depend on her is still a mystery.
Many legends of Joan
Joan has many legends. For example; She saw through Charles’ disguise right away: She became a dove after she died: She stayed alive. These stories are fiction, but it is natural that people give Joan romantic stories.
Why Charles VII did not save Joan?
Charles does not have good images generally, since he did not save Joan. But actually he sent a threatening letter saying that Joan must be taken care of courteously. However, it is also the fact that he did not prepare a ransom (身代金) for her.
Well , Charles VII seemed to be a timid (臆病) and skeptical man. He did not want to face a situation fearlessly and he always filled with anxiety. I think that he did not want to desert Joan, but his anxiety made him negative.
Joan of Arc (Jeanne d' Arc)
Joan of Arc
I think she is the most mysterious girl in world history and that is because her popularity. Some people even say she did not exist. That does not seem to be true because some record showed her existence clearly. But we cannot still understand who was Joan and what she did really. Is she a witch or a saint? Is she just a normal girl super woman who had a big connection, or a mad?
Joan was born at the village, Domrémy (ドンレミ) in 1412. She was a pious country girl. In 1425, she heard the “voice” for the first time. She believed and followed the voice. She met Charles VII and encouraged him. In 1429, she went to Orléans and raised the siege of Orléans. She joined many battles and led to victories of French army. However, she was defeated in Compiègne (コンピエーニュ) and was taken prisoner. She was considered to be a heretic (異端者) in Rouen (ルーアン), and she was burned at the stake then. Later Charles tried a person again and Joan became a saint, not a heretic.
Charles and Joan have some interesting story. Many people think their truth. I introduced their simple profile, so next time I will tell you some studies about them.
Charles VII
Charles VII
Because of Treaty of Troyes, Prince Charles could not become a French king at first. The English king Henry VI, who was still a baby, became a French king in 1422. Charles resisted him and became a French king, too. But France had grown very weak. The peerage separated into two groups, Bourguignons (ブルゴーニュ派) and Armagnacs (アルマニャック派), during the reign of King Charles VI, who is the father of Charles VII. Armagnacs supported Charles VII, but Bourguignons supported England. England surrounded Orléans (オルレアン) in 1429, which is the final foothold of Charles VII. He was in a real pinch at the moment.
It was then that Joan of Arc appeared on the stage. She encouraged Charles VII and raised the siege of Orléans. Thanks to her, Charles VII was able to became an official French king in Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims (ノートルダム大聖堂) at Reims (ランス). After Joan was killed, he and Bourguignons were reconciled. In 1453, he recaptured almost all areas of France except for the city Calais (カレー市). At this time, the Hundred Years’ War ended.
Famous people in France
Famous people in France
Today I introduce four kings. I think that many people know King Charles VII and Joan of Arc/ Jeanne d’ Arc, so I will introduce them next time in detail.
Philip VI de Valois
He is the first French king from Valois dynasty. The French king Charles VI died, so he succeeded to the throne. The English king Edward III also demanded the throne because his mother was Charles’ sister. Philip refused his demand, and then Hundred Years’ War started. The French army suffered a crushing defeat in the battle of Sluys and battle of Poitiers. In his reign, France suffered hunger or the plague which is called the Black Death.
John II ‘the Good’
He is the son of Philip VI. He tried to drive the English army out of the France. However, on the contrary, he was defeated in the battle of Crécy and fell into enemy hands. His son the Prince Charles (Charles V in the future) tried to save him, but before he came back to his native place he died in England.

King Charles V ‘the Wise’
In his reign, France recovered its strength temporarily. He dealt effectively with the problem with Étienne Marcel or Jacquerie (the big rebellion by peasants). He concluded Treaty of Bretigny with England, which is a humiliating concession. But he tried to make many reforms, especially drastic reforms. He gave a French great commander, Bertrand du Guesclin, an important post and made him fight against English army and so on. Finally, he was successful and England was almost defeated.

King Charles VI ‘the Well-Beloved or the Mad’
At first he governed well, but in 1392 he went mad. The French peerage used his illness and had their own way. They separated into two groups, Bourguignons and Armagnacs. Moreover, he was defeated in Azincourt. France had to conclude the Treaty of Troys. Because of this treaty, England usurped the throne of France.
Famous battles
Famous battles
Hundred Years’ War is a series of separate wars. It has many small battles. There are too many battles to introduce all. I chose some battles which I thought were famous.
Battle of Crecy (1346)
In this battle, the England army (about 12,000 people) led by Edward III defeated the France army (about 30,000~40,000 people) led by Philip VI. The England army was more than twice smaller than the French army. However, English soldiers especially who had long bows played an active part. They surpassed French soldiers who had crossbows. They were trained and could handle long bows very well. I’ll tell you the arms another time. By the way, some historians say that this battle is the beginning of the end of chivality. The battlefield serves as a sightseeing spot now.
Battle of Poitiers (1356)
Edward the Black, who is one of the sons of Edward III, was the leading part of this battle. Although the English army was clearly inferior to the French army, the French army made the same mistake as a battle of Crecy and was defeated completely again. Jean II became a prisoner of war of England and was taken to London. In this battle, the English long bow soldiers made a great contribution to the victory, too. They continued playing an important part in this war later.
Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc)
In Japan, she is very popular. I could not find famous battles of the Hundred Years’ War besides Battle of Crecy or Battle of Poitiers, but could find some battles which she entered. Her most famous battle was fought in Orleans. The English army almost captured the city then. It is said that when she arrived there French soldiers recovered their spirits and defeated the English army. This battle is very mysterious. Why the French army defeated the English army? The answer is still unclear. What Joan did? I also could not answer the question, but imagine what happened. I’ll tell you about her next.
Why HundredYears' War started?
Why Hundred Years’ War started?
In Japan, it is generally said that the succession-to-the-throne problem of France caused Hundred Years’ War. Some people say that Flandre problems or Guyenne problems caused it. But it does not have enough factors. Today I’ll tell you an interesting opinion of its main factor. I referred to Mr. Kido’s commentary. His book, Hyakunensensou –tyuseimakki no eifutu kankei-, was very helpful. The war is source of very complicated relations between England and France.
In 1259, a treaty was concluded. It settled disputes between them. That is because then the English king is from Anjou, which is one of the French counts. Anjou has very big lands in the southwest part of France. Both countries thought the lands were their territory, so it is necessary to decide it.
But the treaty had some problems. First, their territories were not clear. Second, Anjou had to make its vassals help French kings, when English kings fought with them. It was impossible. Third, the English king swore fealty to the French king clearly again. English kings detested doing so after that. However, French king was angry that English kings did not swear fealty.
What is Hundred Years' War?
Hello, everyone. I like world history very much. If you read my writing and become interested in it, I’ll feel very happy.
What is Hundred Years’ War? It is a war between England and France in the late Middle Ages.
There are many causes why it started. Many people think that the succession-to-the-throne problem of France is the main cause. I’ll write about the causes in next blog in detail.
Moreover France became the most battlefields, so wild confusion happened all over the country. Finally, however, France won a victory.
After the war, the feudal lord and knight class declined, farmers were released, and the bourgeoisie developed. These events urged to centralization by a king. It was waged from 1337 to 1453. (There are various views when it started or when it ended. This is the most popular term.) Over hundred years, England and France fought. They sometimes made agreement, but when few years passed they fought again. People in those days did not call the war such a name. Posterity thought this period had big meanings and a series of separate wars were gathered together.
The above is a rough explanation of Hundred Years’ War. Do you understand what it is?
I’ll tell you many things about it in more detail. Thank you for reading.
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