Famous people in France
Today I introduce four kings. I think that many people know King Charles VII and Joan of Arc/ Jeanne d’ Arc, so I will introduce them next time in detail.
Philip VI de Valois
He is the first French king from Valois dynasty. The French king Charles VI died, so he succeeded to the throne. The English king Edward III also demanded the throne because his mother was Charles’ sister. Philip refused his demand, and then Hundred Years’ War started. The French army suffered a crushing defeat in the battle of Sluys and battle of Poitiers. In his reign, France suffered hunger or the plague which is called the Black Death.
John II ‘the Good’
He is the son of Philip VI. He tried to drive the English army out of the France. However, on the contrary, he was defeated in the battle of Crécy and fell into enemy hands. His son the Prince Charles (Charles V in the future) tried to save him, but before he came back to his native place he died in England.

King Charles V ‘the Wise’
In his reign, France recovered its strength temporarily. He dealt effectively with the problem with Étienne Marcel or Jacquerie (the big rebellion by peasants). He concluded Treaty of Bretigny with England, which is a humiliating concession. But he tried to make many reforms, especially drastic reforms. He gave a French great commander, Bertrand du Guesclin, an important post and made him fight against English army and so on. Finally, he was successful and England was almost defeated.

King Charles VI ‘the Well-Beloved or the Mad’
At first he governed well, but in 1392 he went mad. The French peerage used his illness and had their own way. They separated into two groups, Bourguignons and Armagnacs. Moreover, he was defeated in Azincourt. France had to conclude the Treaty of Troys. Because of this treaty, England usurped the throne of France.
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