
After the Hundred Years' War

The extension of the royal authority

In this war the peerage in both countries was damaged badly. Until then they were the leading role of the feudal society (封建社会). Although there were some kings, their authority was very weak because the peerage was relatives of kings and had as much power as kings. When we hear about the word peerage we often imagine a strong king and the weak peerage as his followers. However, such a sight was seen during the absolute monarchy (絶対君主制) and in this era the absolute monarchy did not appear yet. The war robbed the peerage of their power, and it led to preparations for the absolute monarchy.

The War of Roses

The war’s name is elegant, but the war was actually a desperate fight. The name came from coats of arms (紋章) of Lancaster and York. It was a struggle for power between the two dynasties in England. As a result, both dynasties ruined themselves and Tudor dynasty (テューダー朝) succeeded to the throne. The peerage lost their power and absolute monarchy also started in England. England finished the era of absolute monarchy and developed.

The colonial wars between France and England

About two hundred years later, the two countries fought again. Then their battle fields moved to the world. They went into the colonial policy and struggled for supremacy over the world. Some people called these battles the Second Hundred Years’ War. It is similar to the War because it continued about hundred years again. This time England won the war and British Empire (大英帝国) prospered.

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